Original Fe-Be's Biker Statue - Mike Caffee 1966

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Original Fe-Be's Biker Statue - Mike Caffee 1966


  1. Hey buddy I was wondering if you knew where I might find one of these for sale? I have seen one in the past but it was painted and cracked. I have never seen the bronze miniatures. Are you going to post a picture of that? I have also seen one before in gold. Be great to hear from you. Thanks.


  2. Hey Denny, thanks for your interest. Sorry, I have no idea where to get a copy of the statue. Still developing this historical, non-commercial blog, but I'm hoping viewers will submit pics of their personal versions for comparison. Some blogsites are sensitive about advertising and sales. I'll have to check it out more carefully. Meanwhile, I can be reached at mikesf415@live.com, thanks, Mike.

  3. Aloha,
    I acquired one of the Fe-Be's statues in San Francisco. I currently live in Honolulu but my statue is back on the mainland. I was wondering if anyone knows how many are still around.

  4. Yeah, I've been looking for one of those too! It so resonates of another time. Was so edgy and provocative when I first saw it and now it provides comfort about a simpler time; or maybe I was more simple then. Would love one.

    1. Hi John, I apologize for just getting back to you. I am just seeing this message now. I will be back on the mainland within the next couple of months. May I ask, where do you live? The best way to reach me is JHanks808@gmail.com Mahalo, Jacob

  5. Hi Chuck, I have an identical statue although painted. I'm happy to send pictures and will be in San Francisco next month. warrenani@gmail.com

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I have one of these statues. Plaster. Great condition. I’m wondering the value of it as I’d like to post it for sale

  8. I have no idea what the value is but would be interested in buying it. What's your price?

    1. Michael hello,If you are still interested in Febes statue i have one available.I dont know where you are located but im in Hayward ca just outside S.F apparently this particular statue was from Febes in S.F. and was purchased before it closed in 86 and had been at bar here in Hayward called The Turf Club.

    2. What is your contact email Chris? I'd like to see some photos. Im in San Francisco. Denny

  9. Nice statue... May I share an article about Florence from Piazza Michelangelo in http://stenote.blogspot.com/2018/01/florence-view-from-piazzale-michelangelo.html
    Watch the video in youtube https://youtu.be/pg1apQjPrkY

  10. I have a painted febes David id like to sale

    1. What is your contact email? I'd like to see some photos. Denny

  11. Just curious if anyone has seen the porcelain ones. I have seen the small bronze ones, the plaster ones are generally not in the best shape, often painted, and look a little bloated in my opinion.


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  14. I have a porcelain one that was in Febe's when the bar was sold to Robin Reichert, my business associate and dear friend, who turned the bar into the Paradise Lounge. He kept "David" (who we lovingly called "Febe") in a case in the main bar for all to enjoy. When Robin passed a few years ago, the statue landed in my lap, so to speak, and as much as I enjoy it, I think it belongs to the City of San Francisco's history. Since the LGBTQ Museum already has one, mine is destined for the San Francisco Library, once again for anyone to see.

  15. I recently inherited/was given a FeBe Statue, I know the recent history, the last owner is an old friend I knew in San Francisco pre-Palm Springs. Supposedly one of the originals from the series created my Mike Caffee. So I'm looking for some help with the authentication. After I pass it will probably to the another friend or the GLBTHS archive. Any Ideas greatly appreciated. It's 34-1/2 inches hight, beautifully painted, excellent condition. Help or comments appreciated, here's a link to photos. https://ron-williams.com/febes-leather-david/

  16. I have a plaster version in Seattle if anyone is interested. About 34" tall & in good condition, other than having a few coats of paint on it.

    1. DRSmith, I would love to purchase your statue if it is still for sale. I have been looking for one for years.

    2. Hi James. It is for sale. Where are you located? I posted it on OfferUp here: Check out this item on OfferUp. https://offerup.co/etirNCfUtzb
